The Great Poker Adventure

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cardrunners saves my poker career!

Let's start this post with a confession!

Since the start of 2007, my online game has (or more accurately, had) collapsed in a heap. From when I started playing in May 2005, until the end of 2006, I had been a consistent winner at Limit Holdem at low stakes. I was consistently winning a few hundred dollars a month, and coming close to doubling that figure by working off deposit and reload bonuses.

However, the change in the law in the USA, has wiped out the vast majority of clueless American limit holdem players online. These guys were my bread-and-butter, and now they are gone.

So for the first six months of 2007, I had been dabbling with the still-numerous NL games online, with fairly miserable results. I had lost money consistently, month over month, and I was becoming a bit despondant.

My trip to Vegas for the WSOP 2007 was my first attempt at playing live NL, and I must confess that I was pretty short of confidence heading into the trip. Therefore, I was absolutely thrilled to find that I was a pretty solid favourite in these extremely soft games.

Whilst in Vegas, I read and heard several references to both Cardrunners and PokerXFactor. These two competing web-based video poker schools, have both had some very good press over the past year.

I returned from Vegas with a conviction to sign-up to one of these two services to really get my online NL game into shape.

A little more research led to my choosing Cardrunners as my saviour. I signed up on July 2nd, and I have been absolutely thrilled at the results!

Cardrunners posts a training video every day except Sundays, and the focus is heavily on 6max NL games, which are by far the most popular games these days.

I have been trying to discipline myself to watch at least one video every day, as well as playing for a couple of hours at a minimum.

I have been amazed at just how little I understood about how to play NL! I was playing far too loose, making far too many crazy moves, was far too unwilling to lay down big starting hands, was far too willing to go broke with one-pair hands, etc etc.

I am now a consistent winning player at micro-stakes, and I confidently expect to be documenting my progress as a winning NL player moving up through the limits in this blog over the coming months.


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