Rollercoaster Session, ends up more of less even
Pretty wild session on PokerRoom last night (where I play as gunnerrob)!
I won and lost some huge pots (for $25NL!), highlighted by this one:
The ultimate BB Special! Villain was a typical fish playing 31/0, so no reads to be had there, then.
If he had held pocket 8's or pocket 10's for the better boat, he would surely have raised the turn? Nice one-outer Sir!
This hand I am not proud of! I am better than this! Villain was playing 59/19 and had already come over the top light a couple of times. I very rarely push or call all-in with flush draws.
However revenge was extracted in the sweetest of fashion from the Villain in hand 2! It is so rare that you get a spot like this!
Pretty wild session on PokerRoom last night (where I play as gunnerrob)!
I won and lost some huge pots (for $25NL!), highlighted by this one:
The ultimate BB Special! Villain was a typical fish playing 31/0, so no reads to be had there, then.
If he had held pocket 8's or pocket 10's for the better boat, he would surely have raised the turn? Nice one-outer Sir!
This hand I am not proud of! I am better than this! Villain was playing 59/19 and had already come over the top light a couple of times. I very rarely push or call all-in with flush draws.
However revenge was extracted in the sweetest of fashion from the Villain in hand 2! It is so rare that you get a spot like this!
Hand 1) there is no getting away from this hes not folding and neither are you, there is a case of betting big on the flop or even raising to isolate this guy PF but then again as played is fine.
Hand 2)You should be betting more PF 1$ the call of the min RR is fine but if you bet more he might not do that , then the min R on the flop is wrong to you should be making this more than pot to try and take a free card, when he goes allin its an easy call you have a big draw if he dosent have AA KK , you'll win this spot more than he will i think. UL.
Hand 3)NH . I would raise more again PF 1$ is not enough, sometimes call here just to mix it up but hes telling you he has AK QQ+ so just get it allin or 4 bet to 15/16 commit yourself and him.. dont give him a chance to fold, he might if an A falls His bet says he likes his hand and will call you I would push here 9/10 times.
Cheers for answering my 1 ill add you to my group theres a few not partisapating and it looks like you are so if you dont mind ill look at yours now and then and give my opinion and you do the same.
RakebackFAQ, at 10:00 pm
Hand 1 Unlucky, I don't think there's anything you could have done here.
Hand 2 I think you have to fold to the all in reraise here on the flop. He obviously has a hand and as you've said chasing draws is not usually a good idea.
Hand 3 Nice hand, its good to see the best hand stand up for a change.
losbert, at 11:21 pm
I don't think the call is all bad on #2 there bro, his stats are awful and your overcards are likely good- not to mention that you've given a bad player a bit of action- they tend to like to get involved with the same players over and over from my observation. 48.5% to win after the flop on my calculator. I agree that the flop raise is too small, a larger raise might fold him out and the call of the shove becomes an easier decision if he continues. Looks like you have been having some fun with your Poker over the last few years.
All the best.
HighSteaks, at 7:45 am
Welcome to this group and good work on joining Cardrunners!
Hand 1: Ouch.
Hand 2: Don't min-raise. Ever. There are arguments for calling this flop and for raising it. I don't mind that much either way to be honest. If you raise I'd make it around $8 I think and call if he shoves. Calling is OK too and I think I'd call down on a K/Q turn.
Hand 3: Nice hand! Against a lot of players I re-pop with AA pre-flop there. Against this guy I think calling pre-flop with the intention of check-raising the flop is a good plan.
DODGYKEN, at 10:52 am
Hand 1: there is no getting away from it there.
Hand 2: Like everybody else said raise more preflop, and on the flop. I would make it about 8 or so and call a shove.
Hand 3: Nice hand but i would raise more preflop.
chris, at 2:22 am
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