Very Good Couple of Sessions!
Since posting my weekly report yesterday morning, I have booked a couple of very good sessions, posting about another $100 in profit at $25NL on PokerRoom.
I downloaded Poker Grapher yesterday, and I have just figured out how to get it working, so here goes ...

Since posting my weekly report yesterday morning, I have booked a couple of very good sessions, posting about another $100 in profit at $25NL on PokerRoom.
I downloaded Poker Grapher yesterday, and I have just figured out how to get it working, so here goes ...

I will have a chance to play quite a bit over the next few days, so I will carry on at $25NL until the end of July, and then take a shot at moving up to $50NL on August 1st.
I am amazed at how much more of a feel for the NL game I have now than I had at this time last month!
I'm also a Low Limit Grinder of Cardrunners, living in Belgium and trying to improve my pokerskills.
I mainly play 25NL, trying to transistion to 50NL 6-max and hopefully 100NL by the end of the year.
On this moment i mainly play @ PokerRoom.
So I'm interested of exchanging and commenting Hand Histories.
Goog luck!
RicciNas, at 3:40 pm
Welcome to the Low Limit grinder's Community. Good luck when you try and move up to 50Nl
losbert, at 5:49 pm
Good to here you feeling good about the game , IMHO its all about confodence and you seem to be running hot, Play as much as you can while you feel like that and play less on the bad days. Gl with the rest of the month!
RakebackFAQ, at 10:09 pm
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