Higher Stakes means Bigger Swings!
I took the decision to kick it up to $50NL yesterday morning, and after a pretty wild day, I am glad that I did.
I started out by digging myself into a 2 buy-in hole pretty quickly, but I ended up the day up slightly over 2 buy-in's.
I am very pleased to say that I saw very little in the 700 hands that I played yesterday at $50NL that caused me to be afraid at this level. The players are just as bad, they still play too many hands, they still limp all the time, they still try to run crazy bluffs, and they still pay me off!
A couple of hands to illustrate the point.
Hand 1 :
Villain plays 23/8 over 77 hands. Here, I don't believe the villain has a flush. He could have 2 pair or a set, but he insta-pushed the river, and I just didn't believe him.
Hand 2 :
Rinel plays 48/24, thelastgame plays 77/0(!). See if you can guess what Rinel is holding, to justify his overpush?
I took the decision to kick it up to $50NL yesterday morning, and after a pretty wild day, I am glad that I did.
I started out by digging myself into a 2 buy-in hole pretty quickly, but I ended up the day up slightly over 2 buy-in's.
I am very pleased to say that I saw very little in the 700 hands that I played yesterday at $50NL that caused me to be afraid at this level. The players are just as bad, they still play too many hands, they still limp all the time, they still try to run crazy bluffs, and they still pay me off!
A couple of hands to illustrate the point.
Hand 1 :
Villain plays 23/8 over 77 hands. Here, I don't believe the villain has a flush. He could have 2 pair or a set, but he insta-pushed the river, and I just didn't believe him.
Hand 2 :
Rinel plays 48/24, thelastgame plays 77/0(!). See if you can guess what Rinel is holding, to justify his overpush?
Nice to hear about taking a hot at the next level up and it working. I think you're right in saying that there isn't much there to scare you. I think you'll find the same with the $100s when you move up there too.
Hand 1: This is quite a tough river call in my opinion. I would have probably raised this flop because I want to know where I'm at. There are some players as you move up levels that are ridiculously aggressive nad it can be best to let them keep betting at you sometimes. I'd stick in a raise on the flop though because I wouldn't fancy calling 3 bets (getting bigger each time) with a hand that's probably going to look worse and worse as more cards come out.
Hand 2: I'd re-pop this pre-flop because I don't want to give great odds for people to draw me. It's tough on the flop to fold here, even with all this action. I would guess that thelastgame has something like KQ/KJ/KT and Rinel has a range of a set, AK, KQ, QsJs, AsQs, AsJs, maybe a weaker flush draw.
DODGYKEN, at 11:16 am
Good to hear about your level up. The faster we all do this te better i think. Ive tried to look at the hands but the pages wont load ill try again later or tomorrow.
RakebackFAQ, at 6:43 pm
Havent looked at the results.
Hand 1) i think a raise here on the flop will tell you more . If he RR , calls and bets on the turn you can fold. I just dont like calling down here hes betting like he has trips.
Hand 2) I like to shove here PF maybe you want tird person but if i can i try get the chips in PF it saves the decisions. I expect you to be behind to KKK or the 4 saving you from K10. Or you just being miles ahead of AK flush/straight draws.
RakebackFAQ, at 12:20 am
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