What are the odds against that happening...?!
Another solid winning day at $25NL with a profit of $68 from about 750 hands.
Interspersed within the day were two more mind-numbing one-outer river situations. The score for the week so far, is hero 1 : villains 2.
I am guessing that throughout my poker career, I will be on the wrong end of one-outer's far more often than I will benefit from them, by virtue of the fact that I will be the one with the strong hand, playing it for maximum value, most of the time.
Still, these situations are always pretty stunning.
Hand 1 :
Flshman1 was playing 18/9 and S.Manconi was a superfish playing 60/7. With a raise and a (fishy) coldcall in front of me, I figured that my tens were about 50/50 to be the best hand at that point, but I decided to just call and evaluate on the flop.
My check/call on the flop was risky, with two hearts on the flop, but I wanted to keep both villains in the hand, until they were pot committed.
The 7c on the turn figured to be a good card for my hand, and with a raise and a reraise following my check, I figured that I had trapped them pretty good, and so I put in a pot sized reraise.
Can't fault the villain for calling all-in as he had turned his set. I loved the 7 on the river, as it completed my boat, but it also completed his quads!
Hand 2 :
Villain (weakish 31/10) min-raises from the button. Big mistake(!) as this prices me in to call from the BB with J8s. I flop trips and check to the pre-flop raiser who bets as expected (why wouldn't he; he flopped a boat!) and I called, thinking that I had him in bad shape!
The turn comes the 7s which was a moderately threatening card, as it completed an unlikely str8 for a T8 hand, and also put a spade draw on board. I wake up check raising here, and I am reraised all-in!
At this point, I figure that the villain had a likely overpair, or a possible flush draw with AK or AQ spades . I almost beat him into the pot with my call (if that is possible online!) and I am delighted to see the case Jack on the river to seal the deal.
I am thrilled/horrified to see that I was way behind at every point until the end!
Another solid winning day at $25NL with a profit of $68 from about 750 hands.
Interspersed within the day were two more mind-numbing one-outer river situations. The score for the week so far, is hero 1 : villains 2.
I am guessing that throughout my poker career, I will be on the wrong end of one-outer's far more often than I will benefit from them, by virtue of the fact that I will be the one with the strong hand, playing it for maximum value, most of the time.
Still, these situations are always pretty stunning.
Hand 1 :
Flshman1 was playing 18/9 and S.Manconi was a superfish playing 60/7. With a raise and a (fishy) coldcall in front of me, I figured that my tens were about 50/50 to be the best hand at that point, but I decided to just call and evaluate on the flop.
My check/call on the flop was risky, with two hearts on the flop, but I wanted to keep both villains in the hand, until they were pot committed.
The 7c on the turn figured to be a good card for my hand, and with a raise and a reraise following my check, I figured that I had trapped them pretty good, and so I put in a pot sized reraise.
Can't fault the villain for calling all-in as he had turned his set. I loved the 7 on the river, as it completed my boat, but it also completed his quads!
Hand 2 :
Villain (weakish 31/10) min-raises from the button. Big mistake(!) as this prices me in to call from the BB with J8s. I flop trips and check to the pre-flop raiser who bets as expected (why wouldn't he; he flopped a boat!) and I called, thinking that I had him in bad shape!
The turn comes the 7s which was a moderately threatening card, as it completed an unlikely str8 for a T8 hand, and also put a spade draw on board. I wake up check raising here, and I am reraised all-in!
At this point, I figure that the villain had a likely overpair, or a possible flush draw with AK or AQ spades . I almost beat him into the pot with my call (if that is possible online!) and I am delighted to see the case Jack on the river to seal the deal.
I am thrilled/horrified to see that I was way behind at every point until the end!
Firstly - you posted at 6.43AM! Is that even a real time of the day?! Never heard of it you mad man!
Could you try and leave results out of your hand histories please? I try to not be biased by what I've seen but I suspect that I must be slightly biased after seeing the results. I think you get better responses if you leave the results out.
Hand 1: What were Berge's stats? If he was a 20/17 type I'd be 3-betting here. I don't mind the cold-call either though. There's no way in the world I'm check-calling that flop. If any of them are aggressive I'm going for the bet/3-bet line here hoping that AK-AJ raises me. Otherwise I'm check-raising it. Once the turn comes I like your play. You got your money in as a huge favourite. I think you risked too many scare cards falling on the turn by not getting more in on the flop though.
In all seriousness, I'm not convinced I'd call his shove on the turn! There are some opponents where I would have to fold this as I'm drawing to 3/4 outs. Unless he's a total moron, he has to have a J, a set, or T8. If he has a J then his kicker probably beats you. It is difficult to fold really strong hands but, if you compare it to what hands he could have, your J8 isn't that good here.
DODGYKEN, at 12:36 pm
Thanks Ken. I will leave out the results in future.
robracing, at 1:28 pm
Hand 1) i think theres nothing you can do here , but iam betting at that flop 9 times out of 10. Its to scary to be messing around with. If they call (which i think they will) iam betting again on the turn, with the action on the turn iam jushing and ul for the beat but you win this most of the time , you should be happy there calling you so light.
Hnad 2) Iam not going to be in this pot alot of the time, but as played i think if you dont raise on any street and try to take it down to the river cheaply, J9 hits alot of hands and your J8 wont be the best hand alot of the time. Its tough to fold trips , i dont think i could here either. You have 7,8,9,10,J to complete your hand when calling allin, but any1 of them card could have you beat either bar the 8 or J. So messy pot with bad cards.
RakebackFAQ, at 2:36 pm
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