(Somewhat of a) Bloodbath!
I have been playing like an uber-donk for the past few days.
I am down 3 buyins for the week in 3.5k hands, and quite honestly, the way I have been playing it could easily be more.
I have just spent a couple of hours penance, posting 20 (yes, TWENTY!) +/-65BB hands on my big-hands blog, and it doesn't make pleasant reading! The score was Hero 8 - 12 Villains, and it could have been worse! I don't expect anyone to slog their way through all twenty hands, but I would welcome any comments that anyone cares to make.
I have certainly had a fairly cold run of cards, running into set after set, and trips after trips, but I also seem to refuse to lay down TPGK, when I run into serious resistance.
So, it is time for some new rules!
1. The rules for playing TT and JJ still stand. (See last week's post) I do seem to be sticking to these rules pretty well.
2. Be very wary of AQ OOP. This hand may be raised if there are limpers, but it should never be 3bet OOP, and it must be played cautiously postflop.
3. Pay close attention to the villain's stats when considering a Cbet. Never Cbet with air, without first considering the likelihood that the bet will be called.
4. Fold one pair hands where I have no decent draw in the face of any significant postflop aggression. (Caveat : this doesn't include where I am donk-led into. ) I know that this will mean that I am folding the best hand as much as half the time, but this is OK. Even if I am folding the best hand 3/4 of the time, the money that I will save by not repeatedly felting myself when I do in fact have the worst of it will make this a +EV play overall.
I know that rule 4 above is pretty radical, at least it will be for me(!), but I do feel sure that this will significantly contribute to my long-term winrate. I guess that this approach will make me somewhat vulnerable to villains who decide to bluff raise me repeatedly, but I think that this is OK, because they will pay heavy price on the occasions when I do have a decent hand/decent draw.
I am particularly looking for comments and suggested refinements to rule 4. Please help!
Good luck,
They seem pretty sound rules to me and I think that most of them could apply to me as well. I'm having problems with AQ oop as well and am basically now playing it similar to your Rule 2.
With regards to Rule 4, I would tend to say that this may be a bit too cautious particularly if you have a Strong Pocket Pair although it is going to depend entirely on the texture of the flop and the previous action in a hand. Also, are you never going to c-bet with one pair because you could take down some pots with a c-bet or if your c-bet gets raised are you folding at this point. That being said I know I need to be more cautious and selective with only 1 pair.
Good luck.
losbert, at 11:24 pm
Just to clarify my Rule 4; I will still PFR my usual 14/15% of hands and I will Cbet as usual, perhaps as much as 50% of the time, dependant upon the stats of the villain(s). However, I am shutting down in the face of significant resistance with a one-pair hand.
robracing, at 11:31 pm
I've been evaluating my play with one pair hands as well (rule 4), and believe that you're on the right track (for me, anyway). While it's probably too strong of a rule, it beats the alternative one-pair spew. It's not ideal, just better than the most likely alternative.
Other things I've been considering are really lowering my c-bet percentages for a while. You lose out on some stealing opportunities, but become a lot less predictable. I'm not sure if I'm running into good hands or if I'm too readable, but I seem to be giving pretty decent implied odds to people cold calling me :(.
The other adjustment you could think about in conjunction with rule 4 is to not fire the 2nd barrel with one pair hands with the intent of calling on the river.
Marc, at 5:41 pm
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