I have played quite a bit in the past couple of days, and I am almost exactly break-even for my troubles.
It seems that, no matter how a session starts out, I manage to end up even! I start off by donking off a stack, and then I manage to grind it back. I start out with quick double-up, and then I find new and imaginative ways to give it all back!
I am playing too much, and I am not thinking enough about the spots where I am getting my money in.
I definitely have a tendency to always think positively about my position vis-a-vis the board and my opponent! I am far too quick to assign an inferior hand to the villain, or put him on a bare bluff.
I thought that DodgyKen's blog yesterday was illuminating where he had a bunch of situations where he had a decent 2-pair hand, ran into serious resistance and he folded each time.
If I am ever to become a competent poker player, I have got to be able to release hands more often in situations like this!
Hand 1 : http://www.pokerhand.org/?1377714
Villain plays 36/0 over only 11 hands.
Hand 2 : http://www.pokerhand.org/?1377720
Villain plays 48/6. Repeat after me, "do not go broke on one-pair hands!!!"
Hand 3 : http://www.pokerhand.org/?1377746
Villain plays 43/31. Here is one that I did get away from, but I wasn't thrilled with the hand!
There are plenty more where those three came from. I suppose that I should be glad that I ended up even, after a couple of days where I feel like I played like an idiot for a good chunk of the time.
At this rate, I will need at least another month at $50NL, before I even think of taking a shot at $100NL. On a positive note, I am on target to clear more than $300 in rakeback this month!
Hand 1)
I think th PF raise is loose but aggrasive and you hit the flop nicely but you give up on the aggrasion the pot is 7ish a bet of 5-6 would be more apporite. His min raise on the turn is weird iam asking myself now why would he do that and i can see 3s. I could not fold here but hopefully i will learn.
Hand 2)
Again its a tough spot you have 2 pr not 1 :) i think its a good folp for your hand and it deserves a bigger cbet to protect it. If hes folped a or the nuts i think you have to pay him but the flush does give you an excuse to get away from this 1 although i dont think i could.
Hand 3)
I like your aggrasion here but you completly miss the flop, Look at the 1st 2 hands where you flop good hands and bet small , now look at this 1 where you continue pretty big after flopping nothing. I know you want to represent AA but i think a bet of 7-8 would of gave you the same info saving you a few bb's or check to try hit the turn.
Nice to see the rakeback is working for you, I just hated that site unfortunatly.
Good luck man.
RakebackFAQ, at 12:27 am
Hand 1
im with pkr brat here . i think this is a very loose raise . i could not play q9 form MP or CO . saying that a great flop . i would struggle to let it go .the only thing i can say is the increasingly the more i experience the min raise the more i realize it means big hand !! i m begining to thnk it means " ive got a big hand that i dont know how to play , so im gonna min raise you "
hand 2
here i think a bigger c bet might be a good idea . although if someones drawing to a flush they may call the c bet anyway . maybe a smaller one to control the pot ?
id have to think about bettiing the turn and im defo not calling that fucking min raise ( i hate them too ) but im pretty sure its saying what i said previously . you have to lay it down .
hand 3 i dont like this guys raise . its not standard . so i would sometimes just call with ak and take it from there . try and control the pot a little . i m not sure i like getting in too much with just with ak in cash games
all so much easier when you have time too make these decisions and study the hh like we are now !!
grinder, at 9:09 am
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