Wild Swings, You Make My Heart Palpitate ...!
648 hands so far this week, has seen me run into pocket Aces three times in one insane 5 minute spell, blow through 2 buyins with hands I should have gotten away from, get cooler'd by idiots calling with rubbish and getting rewarded etc etc. However, I have also picked up some decent hands and so I am only down half a buyin (and plus a few grey hairs!) through all this insanity.
I have 3 hands to post on my new Big Hands blog, two of which are the aforementioned stack-dust-offs, which I am not proud of!
A couple of times yesterday, I was pushed to the brink of insanity when I saw the trash that these idiots have been calling with, only to get rewarded when they made a hand on the river. At these times I desperately try to assume an air of zen-like calm and remind myself of Howard Lederer's advice, which is to say to myself, "Ah yes, calls like that are the reason why I am playing here!"
It isn't easy though...!
648 hands so far this week, has seen me run into pocket Aces three times in one insane 5 minute spell, blow through 2 buyins with hands I should have gotten away from, get cooler'd by idiots calling with rubbish and getting rewarded etc etc. However, I have also picked up some decent hands and so I am only down half a buyin (and plus a few grey hairs!) through all this insanity.
I have 3 hands to post on my new Big Hands blog, two of which are the aforementioned stack-dust-offs, which I am not proud of!
A couple of times yesterday, I was pushed to the brink of insanity when I saw the trash that these idiots have been calling with, only to get rewarded when they made a hand on the river. At these times I desperately try to assume an air of zen-like calm and remind myself of Howard Lederer's advice, which is to say to myself, "Ah yes, calls like that are the reason why I am playing here!"
It isn't easy though...!
It sucks to see them go to the river with trash and win. But I want them to win sometimes too, so they keep coming back. In the end I'm the winner though. Good luck buddy.
Shadow V, at 9:20 am
As shadow says, its people calling with trash and winning sometimes is what we want so that they come back and in the long run we can take money off them. Mind you I'd rather they take money off someone else than me.
losbert, at 12:31 pm
To be honest.... i think this Zen guy never got round to playing Poker !!
I have found it hard to take this view on occasions....i have to turn the computer off !!
grinder, at 1:37 pm
Do you want comments on your hands in here or the other blog?
Hand 1)
I think your play to the turn is fine you say you call for pot control but if your sure that your Q is good you should be upping the price of poker. Theres alot of cards to come on the river to make it a tough decision to call a bet. If your willing to call that river you should be willing to raise or push the turn.
Hand 2)
You couldnt put him on this hand but as you say yourself if you think about it a fold is the right play. (dunno if i could though)
Hand 3)
Weird play from him no need for you to bet of raise here when hes doing it for you. But you could put in a raise to find out where you are at no point do you get any info about his hand when you get to the river you still dont know but you seem to be pretty sure about you beating his range so i like your thought process here.
In the last few weeks i can see that your taking the game very seriously and your recent posts are showing deeper thinking about the game. I dont think you'll be stuck at this level to long. Good luck and cheers for the comments.
RakebackFAQ, at 12:29 am
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