NL ($0.50) - 1,320 hands - VPIP 18.89 - PFR 15.33 - Lost $326.55 - BB/100 29.40
NL ($0.25) - 451 hands - VPIP 18.40 - PFR 15.52 - Won $31.20 - BB/100 13.84
NL ($0.20) - 661 hands - VPIP 18.91 - PFR 14.07 - Won $92.21 - BB/100 34.88
Weekly Totals 2,432 hands - VPIP 19.00 - PFR 15.09 - Lost $203.14 - BB/100 1.38
Monthly Totals 11,334 hands - VPIP 18.09 - PFR 14.65 - Won $92.77 - BB/100 2.31
Weekly Rakeback - $22.70 + $23.07 = $45.77
Monthly Rakeback - $127.11 + $127.77 = $254.88

A rough week, with the signs of green shoots of recovery after I had the sense to drop down a level.
I certainly ran badly at times early in the week. I had sessions where it seemed like I couldn't hit a flop, or complete a draw to save my life. I also had sessions where it seemed like every villain seemed to play back at me every time when I had nothing, and folded every time I had the goods! Weeks like this make it easier to understand how some people manage to convince themselves that poker is rigged! However, I also played some really poor poker along the way. Several times I caight myself tilting and walked away to save myself from any more punishment!
Having decided to step down to $20NL on Prima, I immediately got things back on track. I have also played some $25NL on Full Tilt over the past couple of days, as something strange was going on at Prima, as the non-turbo $20NL tables all had wait lists in double-figures, and no new tables seemed to be opening.
Having jumped between Prima and FT, It has been extremely clear to me just how much better the average player is on FT than Prima. On Prima at $20NL, there are hardly any players who have PFR stats at all close to their VPIP numbers. Your average player at Prima $20NL plays something like 40/10. However, on FT $25NL there are many more players playing decent numbers in the vicinity of 20/15 or so. In fact, I would say that judging things purely by VPIP/PFR stats, the $25NL tables at FT are actually tougher than the $50NL tables at Prima.
Now, I know that this is not all that it takes to be a winning player by a long chalk, but I was still very surprised that this was so apparent.
I plan to play this week at $20/$25 NL and then I have a week's vacation in Portugal. I will then reassess which level to play when I come home refreshed from a week of no poker.
Hi rob
I can certainly sympathise with your predicament . Last month i virtually saw my roll halve .
I think it is important to have a break and come back refreshed and more determined .
I too have found that the full tilt site has a much stronger group of players , i have been playing on absolute for a weel or so and am surprised at some of the figures there , compared to FT
After the end of last month i did a lot of studying of my play , looked at my position play , looked at my starting hand requirements .
I also felt that at the $25 /50 nl level most people when they made large river bets had the goods so i tried to call less .
I also went through a period early where i only played one table in order to concentrate harder .
Whilst i found this frustrating it did help me a little
I hope you come back refreshed and more determined a break certainly helps
All the best
grinder, at 9:32 pm
Looks like everyone is having a bad month. I keep saying i dunno why so many CR players play at FTP i think it defeats the purpose of the site. I bet about 60% of the low stakes guys play at FTP cause all the top pros on cr do. There are easier places to make money imho.
I think moving down is a smart move it will save you alot when your not playing your A game. I used to play on Ladbrokes and beat that 20 limit for 13bb/100 playing crazy high 20's vpip stats and low PFR its where i learned all my bad habbits.I am sure you will start killing these games and move back up soon.
Iam going to take a look at your vid and will let you know what i think.
Enjoy portugal i bet you'll like seeing what summer is supposed to be like.
Best of luck.
RakebackFAQ, at 9:08 pm
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