It's been a while...!
14 months to be exact.
I had been spending too much time playing, thinking about and blogging about poker, so I cut out the thinking and blogging!
In Aug 07, I started a new job and had (by my standards) a heavy losing month (-$500). So I decided to focus a bit more on my new job, and a bit less on poker.
I didn't, however, stop playing, although I did drift for about 6 months, playing barely breakeven online, hopping from 6-max NL to 6-max NL SnG's, to 6-max LHE, before finally settling on Full Ring NL. The latter decision was made a couple of months before my 2008 trip to Vegas for the WSOP, so that I could maximise my chances in the soft live NL cash games.
I had quit my Cardrunners membership in about Sept or Oct last year, and I had no training subscription until July this year, when I joined DeucesCracked. Almost everything about DC is superior to how CR was last year (although I concede that CR has no doubt improved in the mean time). The main benefits that DC have are no DRM, iPod compatible videos, more class-room oriented content in ppt format, less arrogant instructors etc etc.

I began to focus on $50NL Full Ring in May 08. Although I was under-rolled at that time, with only $500 online, I figured that I could reload if I needed to.
I have been extremely pleased with my results (with the exception of a nasty 10-buyin downswing in July), with total winnings approaching $2k in 5.5 months. I feel that my game has improved dramatically over this period, though a combination of playing an average of 300 hands/day along with some moderate studying.
I recently withdrew part of my BR to cover a few incidentals, so I am still slightly under-rolled for $100NL, but I am certainly hoping to be able to move up at some point in the next month or so, once my online roll reaches 20 buyins at $100NL.
I don't plan to get back into the habit of posting every day, but I certainly will try to keep the blog regularly updated, entirely for my own benefit, to track what I hope will be my continued progress through the Great Poker Adventure. I am certainly still just as enchanted with the game as I was when I first started playing in May 05.
14 months to be exact.
I had been spending too much time playing, thinking about and blogging about poker, so I cut out the thinking and blogging!
In Aug 07, I started a new job and had (by my standards) a heavy losing month (-$500). So I decided to focus a bit more on my new job, and a bit less on poker.
I didn't, however, stop playing, although I did drift for about 6 months, playing barely breakeven online, hopping from 6-max NL to 6-max NL SnG's, to 6-max LHE, before finally settling on Full Ring NL. The latter decision was made a couple of months before my 2008 trip to Vegas for the WSOP, so that I could maximise my chances in the soft live NL cash games.
I had quit my Cardrunners membership in about Sept or Oct last year, and I had no training subscription until July this year, when I joined DeucesCracked. Almost everything about DC is superior to how CR was last year (although I concede that CR has no doubt improved in the mean time). The main benefits that DC have are no DRM, iPod compatible videos, more class-room oriented content in ppt format, less arrogant instructors etc etc.

I began to focus on $50NL Full Ring in May 08. Although I was under-rolled at that time, with only $500 online, I figured that I could reload if I needed to.
I have been extremely pleased with my results (with the exception of a nasty 10-buyin downswing in July), with total winnings approaching $2k in 5.5 months. I feel that my game has improved dramatically over this period, though a combination of playing an average of 300 hands/day along with some moderate studying.
I recently withdrew part of my BR to cover a few incidentals, so I am still slightly under-rolled for $100NL, but I am certainly hoping to be able to move up at some point in the next month or so, once my online roll reaches 20 buyins at $100NL.
I don't plan to get back into the habit of posting every day, but I certainly will try to keep the blog regularly updated, entirely for my own benefit, to track what I hope will be my continued progress through the Great Poker Adventure. I am certainly still just as enchanted with the game as I was when I first started playing in May 05.
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